How to get JPEG's Exif rotation info in Unity? (Android); UnityでExifの回転情報を取得する方法


Use the asset.


// assume that you already have image path

// Exif
private NativeGallery.ImageOrientation lastLoadedOrientation;
var info = NativeGallery.GetImageProperties(an_media.Path);
lastLoadedOrientation = info.orientation;


        // Exif roatated image may be used...
        if(lastLoadedOrientation == NativeGallery.ImageOrientation.Rotate270)
            image = RotateTexture(image, false);

// Util
    Texture2D RotateTexture(Texture2D originalTexture, bool clockwise)
        Color32[] original = originalTexture.GetPixels32();
        Color32[] rotated = new Color32[original.Length];
        int w = originalTexture.width;
        int h = originalTexture.height;

        int iRotated, iOriginal;

        for (int j = 0; j < h; ++j)
            for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i)
                iRotated = (i + 1) * h - j - 1;
                iOriginal = clockwise ? original.Length - 1 - (j * w + i) : j * w + i;
                rotated[iRotated] = original[iOriginal];

        Texture2D rotatedTexture = new Texture2D(h, w);
        return rotatedTexture;